
10 Reasons to buy a home in California NOW! (Part 1)

I just saw an article in The Orange County Register that I think is very important to share with you. I also just sent you a video introducing the information, but I think it’s important that we review the reasons why this is such a great time to buy.

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Hidden Fees To Be Aware Of When Purchasing A Home

Purchasing a home is arguably one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. As you start your hunt, don’t forget there will be other costs associated with your purchase then the price of the home.

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Create The Home Office Of Your Dreams

Whether you work full-time at home or occasionally need to conduct business in the evenings or on the weekends, a home office a great way to utilize an extra room.

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5 Fall Design Ideas That Will Boost Your Creativity

As homeowners pull out Halloween decorations, however, they often take the opportunity to look around their homes and make some more permanent changes.

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Remodeling Mistakes You Should Avoid

Remodeling your home? If so, there’s some planning required on your part before you dive into whatever project you’re working on. Keep in mind that while certain things you do will help the project in a positive way, there are also things that you might do that could totally sabotage your efforts.

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How to Boost Your Chances of Getting Approved For A Mortgage

Roughly 8% of all mortgage applications are denied by lenders. But as challenging as it can be to get approved for a mortgage, it’s not impossible, as long as you’ve got all your ducks in a row. Here are a handful of reasons why borrowers are denied mortgages, and what can be done to offset them.

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Should You Paint or Stain Your Kitchen Cabinets For an Easy Upgrade?

If you’re looking to change or update the look of your kitchen on a budget, simply changing the face of your cabinets can work wonders. Not only is this a cost-effective option, it can completely alter the look and feel of your kitchen.

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Types of Inspections a Property May Need Besides the Typical Home Inspection

A home inspection is one of the most common contingencies to be included in a real estate contract. Even if a home is only a couple of years old, anything can happen, which is why it’s important to take the opportunity to have the home inspected before your purchase agreement goes firm.

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Affordable Ways To Enhance Your Bathroom On A Budget

Accessories can never be underestimated, no matter what room you’re using them in. You can easily create a luxe look by sprinkling your bathroom with opulent accessories such as candles, perfume bottles, soap dispensers, and others to make your bathroom look fit for royalty.

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4 Ways to Give Your Home A Fresh New Look

Perhaps the easiest and most cost-effective way to give your home a fresh new look is to simply give the walls a fresh coat of paint. Newly painted walls can give a home a new and updated look, which can go a long way.

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