I know, you’re asking “What did he say”. The market has suddenly changed dramatically. Why would anyone want to get into the business now? Here’s your answer.
The last several years have been strong for sellers, good for buyers, but not so good for real estate agents. The reason-LOW TURNOVER. Fewer transactions means fewer commissions for agents. Couple that with the fact that so many untrained agents got into the business in the last few years because of the market only to be disappointed with their results, and we are losing agents throughout the industry. And the few clients they had are losing their relationships with these agents. In short, there is an excellent opportunity for well-trained, well-directed agents to take advantage of this situation. Our experience with similar market changes has shown that these kinds of markets are the BEST MARKETS to get into the business!
We are looking for two individuals to join the DiLauro Team here at Regency Real Estate Brokers. We are accepting both licensed agents and non-licensed prospects who want to get into the business.
The successful candidates will receive:
So, do you know anyone who is considering a career change that can change their lives?
Call me at 949-500-6365, email me at Frank@FrankDiLauro.com, or check our website www.FrankDiLauro.com